Cincinnati Symphony CEO Announces Retirement

After leading the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra for seven years, CSO President and CEO Jonathan Martin has announced that he will retire on Feb. 16. He will be replaced by CSO Chief Operating Officer Robert McGrath as the acting president and CEO.

According to a press release from the CSO, “Under Martin’s leadership, the CSO experienced one of the most artistically dynamic and financially stable periods in its 130-year history, broadened its services to the Cincinnati region through groundbreaking new performances and an inclusive approach to serving its community and ushered in a new era with the appointment of Cristian Măcelaru as the CSO’s next Music Director.

McGrath is not an unfamiliar face at the CSO – he has been with the organization for 13 years.

“Robert McGrath has been a key partner of mine and an instrumental force in driving forward our strategic initiatives, fostering an exceptional, collaborative culture that makes possible our service to the community,” Martin said in the release. “His dedication to the Orchestra and the Cincinnati community is unmatched. The future of the CSO is bright under Robert’s leadership, and I look forward to working with him as we transition roles in the coming months.”

Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Chief Operating Officer Robert McGrath will take over as the acting president and CEO when Jonathan Martin retires in February 2025.

The release also noted that McGrath helped the orchestra through the COVID-19 pandemic by leading the strategy of offering home-streaming programs while concert halls were not able to welcome live audiences.

“It has been an honor to be a part of the forward trajectory of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, and I am deeply grateful to Jonathan for his leadership and guidance through the years,” McGrath said in the release.

This story has been updated to correct McGrath’s title in a headline.

This article originally appeared on Cincinnati Enquirer: Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra president, CEO Jonathan Martin to retire

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