Hi! This Rec League request is from me (Amanda) and I thought it was a good tie-in for Halloween.
I was thinking about how much I enjoyed Slouch Witch when we recently featured it on sale. I loved the flip of having a main character who felt mediocre in their magic or honestly was happy doing the bare minimum. It was a refreshing departure from the “chosen one” stories that I mainly see out there.
So please give me more!
Sarah: I think there are a number of mediocre magic users in the Discworld series, but I’d need someone much more fluent in the books to help me figure out how many and which.
Elyse: Please stand by while I page Rich!
Sarah: I am unsure about this rec and wish I could ask Catherine, but the Celia Lake books are very quiet magic. Not lazy or disinterested, but not necessarily full of the most powerful people, either.
Elyse: He said any book featuring Rincewind applies.
Sarah: Yes! Possibly some of the witches in the Tiffany Aching series, but I’m happy my foggy, murky memory was on the right track.
Which books would you recommend? Tell us in the comments!
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